External Commands & Output RedirectionΒΆ

Commands can be run without leaving cbm-shell by using the ! shortcut:

(cbm) !uptime
 11:47:39 up  4:43,  4 users,  load average: 0.78, 0.92, 1.30

The output from internal commands can be redirected to a file in the local filesystem:

(cbm) directory >out

The output may also be piped to an external command:

(cbm) list 0:PRINT | grep OPEN
11 OPEN4,4,SA
15 OPEN2,8,2,F$+",S,R"

To pipe the raw contents of a file use the cat command:

(cbm) cat 0:FNKEY | dxa
        .word $0c00
        * = $0c00

lc00    sei
        lda $0314
        sta $0337
        lda $0315
        sta $0338