Copying FilesΒΆ

Copying a file from an image to the local filesystem:

(cbm) copy 0:MYFILE myfile.prg
Copying ImagePath(0:b'MYFILE') to myfile.prg

Copying all files in an image to a local directory:

(cbm) copy 0: folder/
Copying ImagePath(0:b'FILE1') to folder/FILE1
Copying ImagePath(0:b'FILE2') to folder/FILE2
Copying ImagePath(0:b'FILE3') to folder/FILE3

Copying all sequential data files from two images to a third image:

(cbm) copy 0:*=S 1:*=S 2:
Copying ImagePath(0:b'DATA1') to ImagePath(2:b'DATA1')
Copying ImagePath(0:b'DATA2') to ImagePath(2:b'DATA2')
Copying ImagePath(1:b'DATA8') to ImagePath(2:b'DATA8')

Copying a BASIC program file from the local filesystem to an image:

(cbm) copy --type PRG myfile.prg 0:MYFILE
Copying myfile.prg to ImagePath(0:b'MYFILE')